This is the list of the data sources CSRHUB currently uses to calculate its ratings. If you click on a source, you will see what type of source it is, the number of companies that the source covers, a link to the source, and whether or not the source sells additional information via custom reports. There is also a link to the web site of the source.

If you would like to suggest we add a source, please email us information on the source at

UN Global Compact 2018
UN Global Compact 2019
UN Global Compact 2020
UN Global Compact 2021
UN Global Compact 2022
UN Global Compact 2023
UN Global Compact Business Leaders Taking Action
UN Global SDG Indicators 2019
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) Indicators
UN Office on Drugs and Crime Anti-Corruption Measures
UN Principles for Responsible Investing
Understanding Animal Research
United Against Nuclear Iran
United Nations Environment Programme
United States Climate Action Partnership
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2020
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2021
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2022
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2023
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2014
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2015
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2016
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2017
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2018
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2019
Uzbek Cotton Pledge Signatories
Van Eck Global Coal
Vigeo Emerging 70
Vigeo World 170
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