Browse by CSR data source

Data source (active sources are green)
100 Low Carbon Pioneers 55 -
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2020 981 -
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2021 100 -
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2021--Full Results 1004 -
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2022 100 -
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2022--Full Results 1009 54
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2023 100 62
3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2023--Full Results 993 54
3BL Media Members 287 59
5050 Women on Boards 4877 50
A Billion Plus Change 11 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2008) 130 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2014) 246 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2015) 332 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2016) 340 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2017) 355 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2018) 347 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2019) 338 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2020) 74 -
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (reports titled 2021) 508 58
AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 (reports titled 2022) 735 56
AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 (reports titled 2023) 1112 55
AAFA/FLA Apparel & Footwear Industry Commitment to Responsible Recruitment 72 56
Accord on Fire and Safety in Bangladesh 131 58
AccountAbility 99 -
ACEEE City Data 63 50
ACEEE State Data 52 53
Act Analytics 19183 51
AEI IranTracker 81 -
Affirm 44 58
Alex's Guide to Compassionate Shopping 143 -
Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety 19 -
Alliance for Board Diversity 2011 80 -
Alliance for Board Diversity 2012 78 -
Alliance for Board Diversity 2018 35 -
Alliance for Board Diversity 2021 29 -
AMEE 5351 -
America Is All In 723 59
American Anti-Vivisection Society 103 55
American Chemistry Responsible Care Measurement System (RCMS) 74 -
American Coal Council Member Companies 116 54
American Family Association (AFA) 70 -
American Sustainable Business Council 101 60
Apparel, Accessories & Footwear Sustainability Accounting Standings Series 380 Excluded
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Suppliers 197 54
As you sow 2012 19 -
As you sow 2013 22 -
As you sow 2014 19 -
As you sow 2015 32 -
As you sow 2016 41 -
As you sow 2017 46 -
As you sow 2018 35 -
As you sow 2019 35 -
Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA) 99 59
B Corporation GIIRS Ratings 4685 57
Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance 26 58
BankTrack’s Human Rights Benchmark 2019 29 -
BankTrack’s Human Rights Benchmark 2023 50 60
Barron's Top 100 Sustainable 100 -
Barron's Top 100 Sustainable 2023 100 60
Best Workplace for Commuters 2009 379 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2010 16 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2011 95 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2012 22 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2013 115 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2014 111 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2015 54 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2016 56 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2017 57 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2018 82 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2019 97 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2020 97 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2021 77 -
Best Workplace for Commuters 2022 84 58
Best Workplace for Commuters 2023 86 58
Best Workplaces for Diversity 88 -
Best Workplaces for Diversity 2019 95 -
Better Buying Purchasing Practice Index--Corporate 2020 36 -
Better Buying Purchasing Practice Index--Country 2020 25 -
Better World Companies 1348 56
Big 4 Audit Clients 450 56
Black Collegian 2009 (Universum) 91 -
Black Collegian 2012 (Universum) 79 -
BlackEngineer Most Admired Companies 2009 60 -
BlackEngineer Most Admired Companies 2011 77 -
Bloomberg Coal 159 -
Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 444 -
Bloomberg New Energy Finance Index (CREX) 245 -
Bonsucro Member 35 55
Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) 768 57
Brand Finance 2008-09 567 -
Brand Finance 2009-10 754 -
Brand Finance 2010-11 774 -
Brand Finance 2011-12 4194 -
Brand Finance 2012-13 1556 -
Brand Finance 2013-14 2160 -
Brand Finance 2014-15 1002 -
Brand Finance 2015-16 1499 -
Brand Finance 2016-17 1595 -
Brand Finance 2017-18 1508 -
Brand Finance 2018-19 444 -
Brand Finance 2019-20 1521 -
Brand Finance 2020-21 1588 -
Brand Finance 2021-22 1459 -
Brand Finance 2022-23 1563 57
Brand Finance 2023-24 2371 56
Brand Finance Soft Power 120 49
Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Score 2931 56
BSR Member 631 59
Burma Campaign 158 54
Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) 135 61
Business In the Community (BITC) 313 60
California Iran Contracting Act 26 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2012 326 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2014 303 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2015 312 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2016 32 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2018 9 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2020 33 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2021 44 -
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2022 48 51
CalPERS Proxy Voting 2023 49 52
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility 138 60
Carbon Disclosure Project 2006 and 2007 901 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 1162 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Full Data 1167 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 Full Data 1373 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Full Data 1708 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2012 Full Data 2261 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2013 Full Data 2278 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2014 Full Data 2077 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2015 Full Data 2903 -
Carbon Disclosure Project 2016 Full Data 2171 -
Carbon Market Data 262 -
Carbonfund Partners 136 57
Caring Consumer 237 59
CDP A Cities List 2022 53 57
CDP A List 2019 216 -
CDP A List 2020 317 -
CDP A List 2021 272 -
CDP A List 2022 327 62
CDP A List 2023 395 62
CDP Cities A List 2020 33 -
CDP Cities A List 2023 71 58
CDP Forests 2016 128 -
CDP Scores 2022 10394 52
CDP Supply Chain Report 305 63
CDP Water Data 2010 122 -
CDP Water Data 2011 226 -
CDP Water Data 2012 272 -
CDP Water Data 2013 314 -
CDP Water Data 2014 364 -
CDP Water Data 2015 435 -
CDP Water Data 2016 409 -
CECP (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose) 380 59
CEMEFI (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía) ITSC Index 32 -
CEMEFI (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía) Members 205 59
CEN-ESG 568 53
CEO ACT!ON For Diversity & Inclusion 1076 -
Ceres 103 61
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2011 77 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2012 80 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2013 89 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2014 105 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2015 116 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2016 56 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2017 180 -
Ceres Climate & Energy Resolutions 2018 617 -
Ceres Resolutions 2019 195 -
Ceres Resolutions 2020 74 -
Ceres Resolutions 2022 114 -
Ceres Resolutions 2023 134 56
Ceres Resolutions 2024 39 56
Ceres Resolutions 2025 174 57
ChemSec SIN Producers 829 55
Chicago Climate Exchange Members 76 -
CICERO Shades of Green 143 56
Circular Economy 100 159 60
Clean 200 354 59
Clean Clothes Accord 122 58
Climate Action 100+ Assessments 171 58
Climate Counts 2010 132 -
Climate Counts 2011 130 -
Climate Counts 2012 142 -
Climate Counts 2013 100 -
Climate Registry 166 -
Coal Mining Engineer's List 11 -
Community Reinvestment Act 729 50
Comparably Best 2018 49 -
Comparably Best 2019 37 -
Comparably Best 2020 43 -
Comparably Best 2021 78 -
Comparably Best 2022 80 54
Comparably Best 2023 71 54
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2008 90 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2009 88 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2010 92 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2011 89 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2012 87 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2013 84 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2014 77 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2015 72 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2016 67 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2017 75 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2018 75 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2019 72 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2020 73 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2021 73 -
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2023 68 57
Computer World 100 Best Places to Work in IT 2024 79 56
Conflict Minerals Filing Report 98 -
Copenhagen Communique 372 -
Corporate Climate Action Transparency Index (CATI) 1370 50
Corporate Equality Index 2014 260 -
Corporate Equality Index 2015 329 -
Corporate Equality Index 2016 364 -
Corporate Equality Index 2017 457 -
Corporate Equality Index 2018 535 -
Corporate Equality Index 2019 998 -
Corporate Equality Index 2020 1028 -
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2018 101 -
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2019 194 -
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2020 198 -
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2022 198 58
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2023 108 57
Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) 689 53
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2012 48 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2013 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2014 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2015 50 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2016 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2017 50 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2018 48 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2019 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2020 49 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2021 50 -
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2022 50 60
Corporate Knights Canada - 50 Best Corporate Citizens 2023 49 60
Corporate Knights Canada 2010 50 -
Corporate Register 12925 54
Corporate Responsibility Association 71 -
Corporate Responsibility Index 2009 Australia 25 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2009 98 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2011 89 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2012 91 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2013 93 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2014 83 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2015 108 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2016 35 -
Corporate Responsibility Index UK 2020 239 -
Corruption Perception Index 181 45
Covalence ESG Ratings 15453 51
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2015 487 -
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2016 485 -
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2018 479 -
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2019 491 -
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2020 491 -
CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability 2021 493 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2008 89 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2009 95 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2010 95 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2011 98 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2012 100 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2013 96 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2014 98 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2015 98 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2016 98 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2017 99 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2018 100 -
CR’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2019 100 -
CR’s Black List 2010 27 -
CR’s Black List 2011 53 -
CR’s Black List 2012 33 -
CSR Europe 74 62
CSRHub City State Ratings 608 51
CSRHub Country Ratings 104 53
CSRIndia 2014 106 -
CSRIndia 2015 98 -
CSRIndia 2016 98 -
CSRIndia 2017 380 -
CSRIndia 2017 Top 100 99 -
CSRIndia 2018 Top 100 99 -
CSRIndia 2020 Top 100 99 -
CSRIndia 2021 Top 100 100 -
CSRIndia 2022 Top 100 99 58
CSRwire member companies 258 Excluded
Darfur Involved by Investors Against Genocide 15 -
DERES - Responsabilidad Social Empresaria 48 61
Div50 2009 50 -
Div50 2010 50 -
Div50 2011 51 -
Div50 2012 51 -
Div50 2013 51 -
Div50 2014 51 -
Div50 2015 51 -
Div50 2016 53 -
Diversity MBA Magazine Top 50 2010 49 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2009 47 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2010 49 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2012 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2013 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2014 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2015 49 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2016 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2017 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2018 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2019 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2020 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2021 50 -
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2022 50 61
Diversity, Inc. Top 50 2023 50 60
DOD 2010 List of Top 100 Contractors 71 -
DOD 2012 List of Top 100 Contractors 73 -
DOE College Scorecard 181 59
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index 394 61
Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index 226 62
Dow Jones Sustainability Index Australia 83 58
Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe 346 63
Dow Jones Sustainability Index Global 838 63
Dow Jones Sustainability Korea Index 62 60
Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index 275 61
EDF Climate Corps 2011 29 -
EDF Climate Corps 2012 58 -
EDF Climate Corps 2013 61 -
EDF Climate Corps 2014 62 -
EDF Climate Corps 2015 189 -
EDF Climate Corps 2016 211 -
EDF Climate Corps 2017 226 -
EDF Climate Corps 2018 242 -
EDF Climate Corps 2019 259 -
EDF Climate Corps 2020 265 -
EDF Climate Corps 2021 266 -
EDF Climate Corps 2022 285 -
EDF Climate Corps 2023 313 58
EDF Climate Corps 2024 320 58
EIA Nuclear List 45 52
EIRIS 4005 -
Ekobai B2B Directory 1041 -
EMAS 254 59
Environmental Investment Organisation 1622 -
EPA Climate Leaders 156 -
EPA e-GGRT 2010 358 -
EPA e-GGRT 2011 745 -
EPA e-GGRT 2012 748 -
EPA e-GGRT 2013 722 -
EPA e-GGRT 2014 726 -
EPA e-GGRT 2015 739 -
EPA e-GGRT 2016 753 -
EPA e-GGRT 2017 740 -
EPA e-GGRT 2018 753 -
EPA e-GGRT 2019 748 -
EPA e-GGRT 2020 745 -
EPA e-GGRT 2021 730 55
EPA e-GGRT 2022 151 54
EPA Green Power Partners List 398 60
EPA Transport Data 128 -
EPA Transport Data 2015 143 -
EPA Transport Data 2017 141 -
EPA Transport Data 2018 134 -
EPA Transport Data 2019 128 -
EPA Transport Data 2020 149 -
EPA Transport Data 2021 145 53
EPA Transport Data 2022 153 54
EPI 2020 180 45
Equal Opportunity 2009 47 -
Equal Opportunity 2010 47 -
Equal Opportunity 2011 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2014 48 -
Equal Opportunity 2015 50 -
Equal Opportunity 2016 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2017 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2018 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2019 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2020 49 -
Equal Opportunity 2021 50 -
Equal Opportunity 2022 50 -
Equal Opportunity 2023 50 59
Equal Opportunity 2024 48 59
Equator Principles 140 61
Equilar 100 2023 96 56
Equilar 200 2016 194 -
Equilar 200 2017 197 -
Equilar 200 2018 195 -
Equilar 200 2019 195 -
Equilar 200 2021 198 -
Equilar 200 2022 195 56
ESG Analytics 4635 52
ESG Book 14071 51
Ethical Consumer Boycotts List 93 59
Ethical Quotient from Covalence 524 -
Ethisphere 2011 94 -
Ethisphere 2012 137 -
Ethisphere 2013 134 -
Ethisphere 2014 132 -
Ethisphere 2015 127 -
Ethisphere 2016 127 -
Ethisphere 2017 121 -
Ethisphere 2018 128 -
Ethisphere 2019 117 -
Ethisphere 2020 123 -
Ethisphere 2021 131 -
Ethisphere 2022 134 -
Ethisphere 2023 133 60
Ethisphere 2024 134 60
EuroNext Vigeo Indices Emerging 70 265 63
Fair Labor Association 148 59
Fashion Transparency Index 34 -
Fashion Transparency Index 2018 116 -
Fashion Transparency Index 2019 152 -
Fashion Transparency Index 2020 193 -
Fashion Transparency Index 2021 187 -
Fashion Transparency Index 2022 185 55
Fashion Transparency Index 2023 185 56
FCPA Corporate Investigations 215 56
Forest 500 561 57
Forest Stewardship Council 183 58
Forestdisclosure 472 60
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2009 89 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2010 89 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2011 94 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2012 96 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2013 95 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2014 96 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2015 93 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2016 95 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2017 97 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2018 99 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2019 98 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2020 97 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2021 97 -
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2022 98 58
Fortune 100 Best Companies 2023 98 58
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2008 915 Excluded
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2009 932 Excluded
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2010 940 Excluded
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2015 970 Excluded
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2020 996 Excluded
Fortune 1000 list of top companies--2022 996 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2011 490 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2012 485 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2013 490 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2014 489 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2015 490 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2016 494 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2017 495 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2018 496 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top companies--2019 496 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top global companies--2021 489 Excluded
Fortune 500 list of top global companies--2023 482 Excluded
Fortune Best Workplaces for Women 2023 86 57
Fortune Change the World 2016 45 -
Fortune Change the World 2017 44 -
Fortune Change the World 2018 49 -
Fortune Change the World 2019 48 -
Fortune Change the World 2020 43 -
Fortune Change the World 2021 47 -
Fortune Change the World 2022 37 57
Fortune Change the World 2023 33 60
Fossil Free Index--The Carbon Underground 241 -
FracFocus 234 53 267 54
Fracking-Disclosing the Facts 33 -
FracTracker 257 -
Freedom in the World 195 45
FTSE Environmental Markets Index 146 -
FTSE list of 250 top UK companies 534 Excluded
FTSE Russell’s ESG Ratings 7258 52
FTSE4Good 83 61
GaiaLens 20499 49
GaiaLens SFDR Data 20436 Excluded
GEMMAQ 611 56
Glassdoor 23618 52
Glassdoor 100 Highest Rated CEOs 2022 87 58
Glassdoor 150 Highest Rated CEOs 2021 96 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2013 49 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2014 50 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2015 49 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2016 48 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2017 48 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2018 46 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated CEOs 2019 42 -
Glassdoor 50 Highest Rated World CEOs 2019 43 -
Glassdoor's Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance--2011 20 -
Glassdoor's Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance--2012 24 -
Glassdoor's Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance--2013 24 -
Glassdoor's Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance--2014 24 - Top 100 Best Places To Work 2020 55 - Top 150 Best Places To Work 2020 90 - Top 150 Best Places To Work 2022 95 57 Top 150 Best Places To Work 2023 88 59 Top 50 Best Places To Work 2010 48 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2011 49 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2012 48 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2013 49 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2014 48 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2015 66 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2016 47 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2017 47 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2018 46 - Top 50 Best Places To Work 2019 48 -
Global 100 List 2008 95 -
Global 100 List 2009 97 -
Global 100 List 2010 98 -
Global 100 List 2011 98 -
Global 100 List 2012 99 -
Global 100 List 2013 99 -
Global 100 List 2014 98 -
Global 100 List 2015 98 -
Global 100 List 2016 98 -
Global 100 List 2017 99 -
Global 100 List 2018 99 -
Global 100 List 2019 99 -
Global 100 List 2020 99 -
Global 100 List 2021 100 -
Global 100 List 2022 100 -
Global 100 List 2023 100 63
Global 100 List 2024 100 61
Global Alliance for Banking on Values 35 61
Global Business Coalition 151 59
Global Cleantech 100 41 52
Global Electronics Council EPEAT Registry 46 60
Global G.A.P. Member 65 -
Global Peace Index 163 45
Global Reporting Initiative 2007 and 2008 801 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2009 966 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2010 1112 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2011 1917 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2012 2269 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2013 2144 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2014 3280 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2015 3819 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2016 4305 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2017 5269 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2018 4530 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2019 3949 -
Global Reporting Initiative 2020 1034 -
Global RepTrak 2012 Reputation Institute 99 -
Global RepTrak 2013 Reputation Institute 99 -
Global RepTrak 2014 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2015 Reputation Institute 99 -
Global RepTrak 2016 Reputation Institute 99 -
Global RepTrak 2017 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2018 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2019 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2020 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2021 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2022 Reputation Institute 100 -
Global RepTrak 2023 Reputation Institute 100 61
Global RepTrak 2024 Reputation Institute 100 61
Global Sullivan Principals 49 -
Global Sustainability Competitive Index 180 45
Global Transparency Index (Israel) 23 -
Global Union Burma List 205 -
Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker 2237 -
Good Jobs First UK Violation Tracker 645 57
Good Jobs First Violation Tracker 3170 54
GoodCorporation 51 Excluded
Goodness 500 2009 458 -
Goodness 500 2012 479 -
Goods Unite Us 1410 -
Government of New Brunswick 4 -
Grab Your Wallet 95 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 266 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 100 Best Workplaces in Europe 2010 54 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 100 Best Workplaces in Europe 2014 35 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 100 Best Workplaces in Europe 2015 7 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 25 Best Large Workplaces in Europe 2012 11 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 25 Best Large Workplaces in Europe 2013 5 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2017 7 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2018 19 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2019 7 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small Workplaces in Europe 2012 13 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small Workplaces in Europe 2013 6 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 50 Best Small Workplaces in Europe 2016 4 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 70 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2020 9 -
Great Place to Work Inst. 75 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2022 9 45
Great Place to Work Inst. Best Workplaces in Europe 2023 10 49
Great Places to Work Latin America 2010 41 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2012 24 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2013 23 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2014 32 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2015 20 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2016 37 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2017 34 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2018 38 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2019 39 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2020 31 -
Great Places to Work Latin America 2022 44 56
Great Places to Work Latin America 2023 38 60
Green Business Partnership 14 -
Green Seal 77 57
Greenpeace Cloud 14 -
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2010 20 -
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2013 19 -
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2014 26 -
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2015 24 -
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2018 22 -
GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) 1281 53
Hexun Social Responsibility Report Ranking 3074 46
Hispanic Magazine 100 list 90 -
Hispanic Trends 46 -
Human Rights Campaign 2008 List 170 -
Human Rights Campaign 2009 List 261 -
Human Rights Campaign 2011 List 797 -
Human Rights Campaign 2012 List 440 -
Human Rights Campaign 2013 List 223 -
Human Rights Campaign 2014 List 272 -
Human Rights Campaign 2015 List 329 -
Human Rights Campaign 2016 List 360 -
Human Rights Campaign 2017 List 350 -
Human Rights Campaign 2019 List 500 -
Human Rights Campaign 2021 List 441 -
Human Rights Campaign 2022 List 479 -
Human Rights Campaign 2023 List 497 58
Human Rights Campaign 2024 List 509 58
IAF CertSearch 8295 52
ICCR Proxy Engagement 2020 153 -
Ideal Ratings 40147 49
Ideal Ratings SFDR 22359 52
ImpactSpace 805 -
Indian CSR 113 -
Indian CSR 2021 100 56
InfluenceMap 127 -
Integrum ESG 3718 56
Intengine 1748 56
Interfax ERA 2012 74 -
Interfax ERA 2013 67 -
Interfax ERA 2014 76 -
Interfax ERA 2015 74 -
Interfax ERA 2016 69 -
Interfax ERA 2017 72 -
Interfax ERA 2018 69 -
Interfax ERA 2019 77 -
International Corporate Governance Network 186 59
International Council on Mining and Metals 24 59
International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) List of Companies 511 59
International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Pilot Program 99 -
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) 91 57
Investis IQ 1015 -
Investor Network on Climate Risk Members 117 58
InvestVerte 28528 49
ISG Framework 54 58
iShares MSCI KLD 400 Social Index Fund 704 Excluded
ISOS Group Sustainability Reporting Assessments 76 -
ISS ESG (Institutional Shareholder Services) 10364 52
IW Financial Data Set (ISS) 5416 -
Johannesburg Stock Exchange 126 59
Just 100 99 -
Just 100 2017 100 -
Just 100 2018 100 -
Just 100 2019 100 -
Just 100 2020 99 -
Just 100 2021 100 -
Just 100 2022 100 -
Just 100 2023 100 61
JUST Jobs Policy Tracker 884 -
Karmayog 2009 377 -
Karmayog 2010 394 -
Know The Chain 491 58
Latina Style 2008 49 -
Latina Style 2009 49 -
Latina Style 50 2010 48 -
Latina Style 50 2011 49 -
Latina Style 50 2013 50 -
Latina Style 50 2014 50 -
Latina Style 50 2016 50 -
Latina Style 50 2017 49 -
Latina Style 50 2019 47 -
Latina Style 50 2020 47 -
Latina Style 50 2021 47 -
Latina Style 50 2022 49 60
Latina Style 50 2023 48 60
Lequity Group 4127 51
Marcellus Money 49 -
Marcellus Shale 164 -
Marine Stewardship Council Suppliers 522 55
Media Tenor 431 -
Mexico IPC Index 46 56
Mike Benard 64 -
Moody's ESG Solutions 3845 55
Most Admired UK Companies 2014 222 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2015 232 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2016 233 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2017 216 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2018 204 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2019 244 -
Most Admired UK Companies 2022 275 57
Most Admired UK Companies 2023 253 58
MSCI ESG Controversies 24431 52
MSCI ESG GovernanceMetrics 10644 52
MSCI ESG Ratings 20193 52
MSCI SFDR Coverage 12846 Excluded
NAEM Corporate Member 166 58
NAFE - Working Mother Top Companies 72 -
NAFE - Working Mother Top Companies 2021 73 -
NAFE Top 50-2010 49 -
NAFE Top 50-2011 60 -
NAFE Top 50-2012 49 -
NAFE Top 50-2013 48 -
NAFE Top 50-2014 50 -
NAFE Top 50-2015 49 -
NAFE Top 50-2016 58 -
NAFE Top 60-2017 58 -
NAFE Top 70-2018 68 -
NAFE Top 70-2019 68 -
NAFE Top 70-2020 72 -
NAFE Top 75-2022 72 61
NASDAQ OMX CRD 50 Index 99 -
NASDAQ OMX CRD Global Sustainability Index 931 -
National Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) 341 58
National Hispanic Corporate Council 52 -
National Minority Supplier Development Council 669 57
National Rifle Association 21 -
National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC) 137 59
Newsweek Ranking of America's Most Responsible Companies 2022 498 -
Newsweek Ranking of America's Most Responsible Companies 2024 300 57
Newsweek Top 100 Global Green Companies 2010 100 -
Newsweek Top 300 Green Companies 2019 299 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2011 492 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2012 494 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2013 495 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2015 496 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2016 496 -
Newsweek Top 500 Global Green Companies 2017 497 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2009 477 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2010 482 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2011 485 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2012 487 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2013 485 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2015 487 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2016 491 -
Newsweek Top 500 Green Companies 2017 496 -
Non-GMO Project 385 54
Oceana's Red and Green List 34 -
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) On Burma 13 43
Ohio Government Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) 18 -
Omni50 2017 55 -
Omni50 2018 55 -
Omni50 2019 55 -
Omni50 2020 61 -
OMX GES Index 533 60
Open Supply Hub 266 57
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance 82 -
Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials 372 59
Pennsylvania DOEP 36 -
PERI 346 56
Planet Tracker Corporates' Nature Scorecard 330 59
Pledge One Percent 161 54
Point of No Returns 86 60
Power Shares Global Coal ETF 26 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2010 58 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2012 88 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2013 85 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2014 67 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2015 63 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2016 66 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2017 67 -
PRNews CSR Awards 2019 66 -
Protecting Florida’s Investments Act (PFIA) 58 51
RAEX-Europe 137 53
Raporty Spoleczne 2023 67 55
Raporty Społeczne 2009 8 -
Raporty Społeczne 2010 10 -
Raporty Społeczne 2011 12 -
Raporty Społeczne 2012 15 -
Raporty Społeczne 2013 22 -
Raporty Społeczne 2014 23 -
Raporty Społeczne 2015 18 -
Raporty Społeczne 2016 22 -
Raporty Społeczne 2017 24 -
Raporty Społeczne 2018 32 -
Raporty Społeczne 2019 28 -
Raporty Społeczne 2020 41 -
Raporty Społeczne 2021 41 -
Raporty Społeczne 2022 41 57
Ratio Institute 73 48
RE100 434 61
Real Leaders 2020 65 -
Real Leaders 2021 122 -
Real Leaders 2022 137 -
Real Leaders 2023 182 59
Real Leaders 2024 88 60
ReportWatch 1055 60
Reputation Institute 640 -
Reputation Quotient 166 -
Responsible Business Alliance 261 58
Responsible Minerals Initiative 421 57
Responsible Sourcing Network Mining the Disclosures 2018 204 -
Responsible Sourcing Network Mining the Disclosures 2019 213 -
Richmond Global Sciences 5380 53
Roadmap to Zero Programme (ZDHC) 72 -
S&P Global ESG Scores 14836 50
S&P Global Trucost 24093 50
SA 8000 638 53
SASB Industry Group Members 485 -
SASB Reporter 3284 56
SASB Supporter and Contributor 89 -
Science Based Targets Initiative 3774 57
SEC Options Backdating list 26 -
Securities and Exchange Board of India 741 52
Seramount 100 Best Companies (former NAFE Top 50) 88 60
SIGWATCH 15619 51
SIPRI--Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 123 -
Social Progress Index 215 45
Source Watch Carbon 56 -
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 89 -
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2020 107 -
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2021 111 -
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2022 128 -
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2023 75 54
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2024 132 53
SRI-Connect 2918 -
Stocksnips 737 55
Sudan Involved - Jewish World Watch 21 -
SustainabilityServices 239 -
SustainabilityServices 2011 92 -
SustainabilityServices 2012 115 -
SustainabilityServices 2013 121 -
SustainabilityServices 2014 264 -
SustainabilityServices 2015 273 -
Sustainable Apparel Coalition 223 57
Sustainable Brands Members 172 60
Sustainable Packaging Coalition 377 57
Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council 218 60
Sustainalytics 17007 51
Swiss PRTR 53 56
SynTao Green Finance 4501 42
Target Rock Advisors 45 -
Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure 2913 55
Tea Party Patriots Boycott List 93 -
The 30 Percent Club 892 58
The Center for Political Accountability 654 57
The Climate Group EP100 105 61
The CSRI 50--2008 48 -
The CSRI 50--2009 47 -
The CSRI 50--2010 48 -
The CSRI 50--2011 48 -
The Democrat Large Cap Fund 504 -
The Modern Slavery Registry 3175 56
The Rainforest Alliance 84 55
The Sustainability Consortium member 143 58
The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) 204 63
The SXI Switzerland Sustainability 25 Index 37 61
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) 1032 57
The World's Most Sustainably Managed Companies by WSJ 100 62
The World's Most Sustainably Managed Companies by WSJ 2022 100 62
The Zurich Carbon Market Association (Zurich CMA) 5 63
Thomson ESG Index Europe (ESGEU) 381 Excluded
Thomson ESG Index International (ESGIN) 462 Excluded
Thomson ESG Index US (ESGUS) 610 Excluded
Toniic Vetted Investments 501 58
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics 94 -
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2021 71 -
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2022 118 -
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2023 129 60
Top 100 Diversity Supplier Programs for Hispanics for 2024 100 59
Top 100 ESG Companies by esgbook 100 61
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2010 89 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2012 89 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2013 95 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2014 93 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2015 94 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2016 94 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2017 199 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2018 190 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2021 200 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2022 222 -
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2023 204 56
Top 100 Military Friendly Employers 2024 219 56
Top 50 Socially Responsible 2010 49 -
Top 50 Socially Responsible 2012 49 -
Top 50 Socially Responsible 2013 50 -
Top 50 Socially Responsible 2014 50 -
Top 50 Socially Responsible 2015 50 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2010 129 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2013 79 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2014 112 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2017 264 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2018 253 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2019 308 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2020 81 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2021 139 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2022 186 -
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2023 237 59
Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics 2024 99 59
Training Apex Awards--2022 55 -
Training Magazine Top 100 for Employee Development--2021 54 -
Training Magazine Top 100 for Employee Development--2024 59 54
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2010 86 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2011 79 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2012 78 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2013 77 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2014 88 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2015 89 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2016 82 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2017 77 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2018 71 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2019 61 -
Training Magazine Top 125 for Employee Development--2020 227 -
Transparency International 105 -
U.S. Energy Information Administration Coal Producers 37 47
UK Gender Pay Gap 721 56
UN Global Compact 2009 476 -
UN Global Compact 2010 1492 -
UN Global Compact 2011 1952 -
UN Global Compact 2012 1967 -
UN Global Compact 2013 2170 -
UN Global Compact 2014 2266 -
UN Global Compact 2015 1841 -
UN Global Compact 2016 1773 -
UN Global Compact 2017 2397 -
UN Global Compact 2018 2371 -
UN Global Compact 2019 2727 -
UN Global Compact 2020 1773 -
UN Global Compact 2021 3113 -
UN Global Compact 2022 4390 58
UN Global Compact 2023 698 55
UN Global Compact 2024 715 55
UN Global Compact Business Leaders Taking Action 820 -
UN Global SDG Indicators 2019 198 45
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) Indicators 193 -
UN Office on Drugs and Crime Anti-Corruption Measures 467 -
UN Principles for Responsible Investing 1176 57
Understanding Animal Research 52 59
United Against Nuclear Iran 1131 57
United Nations Environment Programme 417 59
United States Climate Action Partnership 28 -
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2020 67 -
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2021 72 -
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2022 72 62
Universum Most Attractive Employers 2023 74 62
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2014 84 -
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2015 65 -
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2016 25 -
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2017 25 -
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2018 25 -
Universum Nordic Most Attractive Employers 2019 65 -
Urgentem 2688 -
Uzbek Cotton Pledge Signatories 93 58
Van Eck Global Coal 97 -
Vigeo Emerging 70 70 Excluded
Vigeo World 170 171 Excluded
We Mean Business 3853 58
WEConnect International 214 60
WeGreen 5424 -
Western Australia Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation 8 - Companies 880 -
Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) 520 -
Working Mother List 2008 94 -
Working Mother List 2009 96 -
Working Mother List 2010 97 -
Working Mother List 2011 94 -
Working Mother List 2012 97 -
Working Mother List 2013 97 -
Working Mother List 2014 97 -
Working Mother List 2015 99 -
Working Mother List 2016 97 -
Working Mother List 2017 97 -
Working Mother List 2018 96 -
Working Mother List 2019 98 -
Working Mother List 2020 98 -
Working Mother List 2021 91 -
Working Mother List 2022 93 61
Working Mother List 2023 95 61
Working Multicultural Women 2009 20 -
Working Multicultural Women 2010 23 -
Working Multicultural Women 2011 23 -
Working Multicultural Women 2012 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2013 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2014 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2015 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2016 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2017 25 -
Working Multicultural Women 2018 24 -
Working Multicultural Women 2019 50 -
Working Multicultural Women 2021 92 -
Working Multicultural Women 2023 78 61
World Bank Sovereign ESG Data Portal 189 45
World Benchmarking Alliance Automotive Climate and Energy Benchmark 2019 32 56
World Benchmarking Alliance Digital Inclusion Benchmark 197 58
World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 2249 57
World Benchmarking Alliance Seafood Stewardship Index 27 54
World Benchmarking Alliance Social Transformation 626 -
World Business Council for Sustainable Development 401 61
World Coal Association Members 27 -
World Economic Forum Members 1293 58
World Happiness Index 152 47
World Inequality database 176 45
Yahoo Coal 9 -
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