Browse by industry

Industry group
Agriculture & Mining 6 4030 49
Construction & Engineering 3 1246 50
Consumer Goods 9 7635 48
Distribution 6 881 49
Durable Goods 15 6387 48
Education & Government 7 1554 47
Finance & Real Estate 16 10048 51
Food, Beverages, & Tobacco 5 2383 49
Healthcare 6 2995 47
Media 8 1167 50
Multi-Industry 2 311 51
Retail 6 2611 49
Services 14 5268 51
Sports & Leisure 5 248 49
Technology 10 5875 49
Transportation 6 1389 51
Travel 5 1206 48
Utilities & Refining 6 2316 51
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