This is the list of the data sources CSRHUB currently uses to calculate its ratings. If you click on a source, you will see what type of source it is, the number of companies that the source covers, a link to the source, and whether or not the source sells additional information via custom reports. There is also a link to the web site of the source.

If you would like to suggest we add a source, please email us information on the source at

Responsible Minerals Initiative
Responsible Sourcing Network Mining the Disclosures 2018
Responsible Sourcing Network Mining the Disclosures 2019
Roadmap to Zero Programme (ZDHC)
S&P Global ESG Scores
S&P Global Trucost
SA 8000
SASB Industry Group Members
SASB Reporter
SASB Supporter and Contributor
Science Based Targets Initiative
SEC Options Backdating list
Securities and Exchange Board of India
SIPRI--Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Social Progress Index
Source Watch Carbon
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2020
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2021
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2022
SPOTT Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit 2023
Sudan Involved - Jewish World Watch
SustainabilityServices 2011
SustainabilityServices 2012
SustainabilityServices 2013
SustainabilityServices 2014
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