This is the list of the data sources CSRHUB currently uses to calculate its ratings. If you click on a source, you will see what type of source it is, the number of companies that the source covers, a link to the source, and whether or not the source sells additional information via custom reports. There is also a link to the web site of the source.

If you would like to suggest we add a source, please email us information on the source at

Great Place to Work Inst. 75 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in Europe 2022
Great Place to Work Inst. Best Workplaces in Europe 2023
Great Places to Work Latin America 2010
Great Places to Work Latin America 2012
Great Places to Work Latin America 2013
Great Places to Work Latin America 2014
Great Places to Work Latin America 2015
Great Places to Work Latin America 2016
Great Places to Work Latin America 2017
Great Places to Work Latin America 2018
Great Places to Work Latin America 2019
Great Places to Work Latin America 2020
Great Places to Work Latin America 2022
Great Places to Work Latin America 2023
Green Business Partnership
Green Seal
Greenpeace Cloud
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2010
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2013
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2014
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2015
Greenpeace Seafood Sustainability Scorecard 2018
GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark)
Hexun Social Responsibility Report Ranking
Hispanic Magazine 100 list
Hispanic Trends
Human Rights Campaign 2008 List
Human Rights Campaign 2009 List
Human Rights Campaign 2011 List
Human Rights Campaign 2012 List
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